Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tiba2 teringat kat korang,,sedihnyer,,:(

it is is very true indeed when people say,a friend in need is a friend indeed,,ayat yg sgt common tp maksudnyer sgt mendalam n very meaningful,,
is it that hard to find such friend?its already my 2nd sem i being here but still i dont get even one of them i guess,,kawan mmg la rmi,tp kawan dalam erti kata sebenar??not even one,,
punya la bersemangat dgn azam baru sem 2 ni,nk buat baik dgn semua orang,nk tolong rakan yg dalam kesusahan,plg penting nk senyum sokmo:)dan yang paling penting skali,,(i guess i forgot the most important part),,ikhlaskan niat kerana Allah,,,but everything doesnt turn out very well,,
nampaknye benda2 cmni memerlukan kesabaran yg sgt tinggi smpi ak rasa betul2 teruji,,
baru tau betapa kerdilnye diri ni,,but the fact is that i cant live the life if i dont have a "friend"(bole ke cmtu?)..
berbalik cerita pd azam 2nd sem ni,knapa ak buat sume tu?xlain xbukan dgn harapan ak akan dapat menjadi kawan yg baik terhadap org lain dan pd masa yg sama ak berharap org tu pn akan treat ak mcm tu,tp ak silap,,ak silap bl aku mengharapkan perkara yg sama dri org lain,,
xsemestinya bl kte buat baik terhadap org, org akan buat baik terhadap kte,,dan itu la yg aku lupa,,shingga aku frust bl ape yg ak bg xsma dgn ape yg ak dpt,,,tp itu la realitinyer,,life is not a bed of roses,,masa tu baru ak sedar yg ak sekarang da keluar dri kepompong kpd dunia yg sememangnye kejam,,dimana mostly all people are being S.E.L.F.I.S.H and never bother about others feeling in every single things they do,,thats how the reality goes,,

by hook or by crook,nk xnk itu la kenyataan yg tpaksa ak terima,my life is no longer like how it used to be,i tried very hard living on my own,,only then i felt a great loss,khilangan yg amat,,
rindu kt korang sume,yati,yuni,mawar,elya,mc na,dayah,baya,leena,anna,syeba,,,,i miss u all damn much,if only u guys knew it,,u're the best of all!!!if only i can get back to the past,,
nevertheless,,life must go on,,so in the name of Allah,,,

yes,i tried very hard indeed,,but i promised myself not to stop doing what i've been doing,,
i will never stop trying until i find one,,all i need is STRENGTH~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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