Sunday, March 6, 2011

my dearest blog..

i write only when i feel like doing so,,

i'm pouring my feelings and words i've been keeping deep in my heart onto this speechless,nonresponsive page,,

my dearest blog,,
though u r so,
i'm glad to know that u would never get tired to listen to me,,
i do thank u for becoming something that i can turn to everytime i feel like doing so,,esp when i'm in pain..

i would be glad
to pour all my pain and all the blue onto u
for i know that u would always be there for me when i need u
rather than someone who can never stand me nor be there for me,,


to be continued..


Nurul Jannah said...

hehe..farah tacing je ni..

pengemis cinta ilahi said...

amboi,,sempat lg berblogging ye cik jannah,,huhu